Sunday, October 16, 2016

Games Terbaru Peria Chronicles Online

Games Terbaru Peria Chronicles Online
Games Peria Chronicles Online ini pada awalnya mengalami masa sulit dimana develepor dari games ini tidak mampu menciptakan Core architecture dimana player dapat menciptakan dan mendesain dunia dari kertas putih namun tidak menjadikan player memanfaatkan sistem ini sesuka mereka. Namun setelah mengalami perjalanan panjang, akhirnya developer Peria Chronicles Online berhasil menyelesaikan bagian tersebut.

Berikut Trailer Peria Chronicles Online :

Berikut pernyataan dari Developer Peria Chronicles Online mengenai delay dan ketidakmampuan menciptakan Core Architecture pada awalnya : "Development was kept under progress, of course, but we also did run into difficulties on the way. MMORPG development naturally has many challenges but, for Peria Chronicles, the biggest challenge was designing its core architecture. On the outside, the game might just look like an MMORPG with Minecraft, Simcity, and KOEI Three Kingdoms (AFK:popular tactical simulator) elements put together. But the game we are aiming to make is a cartoon-rendered game where players can build their own towns along with the economy and social system that supports those towns, code their own devices NPCs and quests inside dungeons, auto-generate most quests in towns and fields, and have all this operated by an AI with our own engine. Oh, and it goes without saying that players should be able to make their own user interface."

"In Peria Chronicles players will spend time improving their user-interface and building their own dungeons like how players in other games will grind fields and do gathering. As for assembling and crafting items, which we expect players will have the most difficulty with, we are making a guide that will teach the details and provide examples so that players will be able to make simple things like chat windows and town announcement boards within minutes."